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Report No.

Nuclear decay data for dosimetry calculation; Data for radionuclides with half-lives less than 10 minutes

Endo, Akira   ; Eckerman, K. F.*

Nuclear decay data used for dose calculations have been compiled for 214 radionuclides with half-lives of less than 10 minutes. The decay data were assembled from decay data sets of the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF), the latest version as of May, 2007. Basic nuclear properties in the ENSDF that are particularly important for calculating the energies and intensities of radiations were examined and updated by referring to NUBASE2003/AME2003, the database for nuclear and decay properties of nuclides. In addition, modification of the incomplete ENSDF was done to determine their format errors, level schemes, normalization records, and so on. The energies and intensities of emitted radiations by the nuclear decay and the subsequent atomic process were computed from the ENSDF using the computer code EDISTR04. The compiled data are presented to enhance the nuclear decay database DECDC2, which was previously developed by the authors. The data will be used for dose calculations in the safety analysis for induced radionuclides in accelerator facilities and in treatment planning for the medical use of short-lived nuclides.



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