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Report No.

Grain boundary character of cracks observed in IASCC and IGSCC

Miwa, Yukio; Kaji, Yoshiyuki  ; Tsukada, Takashi ; Kato, Yoshiaki; Tomita, Takeshi; Nagata, Nobuaki*; Dozaki, Koji*; Takiguchi, Hideki*

Grain boundary (GB) character of cracks observed in irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) and in intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) was examined using the orientation imaging microscope (OIM). IASCC were produced by constant load tests with 1/4T-CT specimens for pre-irradiated (1.8 dpa at 546 K) type 304 stainless steel. The tests for pre-irradiated specimens were performed by the post irradiation SCC test or the in-reactor SCC test at the Japan Materials Testing Reactor. In all specimens, cracks propagated mainly along random grain boundaries (GBs), and small amount of cracks propagated along low angle GBs ($$Sigma$$ 1), twin GBs ($$Sigma$$ 3) and coincidence site lattice (CSL) GBs ($$Sigma$$ 5-27). Fraction of the GB character was compared with the author's previous studies in which the fraction of IGSCC in thermally-sensitized type 304 stainless steel and unirradiated type 316L stainless steel were measured on CT specimens and a BWR shroud sample. The relationship between SCC behavior and the GB character was discussed. It was considered that the difference of the fraction of GB character between IASCC and IGSCC related to the deformation mode of irradiated stainless steel such as dislocation channelling.



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