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 年 ~ 


Improvement of 3D atom probe assisted by femtosecond laser ionization

西村 昭彦  ; 野際 公宏; 近藤 啓悦  ; 乙部 智仁; 横山 淳; 大久保 忠勝*; 宝野 和博*

Nishimura, Akihiko; Nogiwa, Kimihiro; Kondo, Keietsu; Otobe, Tomohito; Yokoyama, Atsushi; Okubo, Tadakatsu*; Hono, Kazuhiro*


We successfully improved the performance of 3- Dimensional atom probe by using femtosecond laser ionization. A reflectoron type atom probe was applied due to its high mass spectroscopy. Laser system has a specially designed pulse compressor to change the laser pulse duration. An OPA wave length converter was installed to the laser system. We selected ODS steel and Zr metal for 3D atom probe analysis with numerical simulation. Femtosecond laser assisted 3D atom probes can overcome the performance of voltage pulsing 3D atom probes completely.



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