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Roles of JAEA as a designated public corporation to nuclear disaster caused by armed attack

福本 雅弘 

Fukumoto, Masahiro


JAEA is a public corporation designated by the Armed Attack Situation Law and set the plan for protection of the civilian population in armed attack situations which describes basic countermeasures for protection of the civilian population in armed attack situations. The exercise for protection of the civilian population to the nuclear disaster caused by the armed attack in Ibaraki prefecture (2006) is refered and JAEA's roles in the nuclear disaster defined by the Law concerning the Measures for Protection of the Civilian Population in Armed Attack Situations. Differences between the two kinds of Nuclear Disaster are to consider the sheltering and evacuation concerning armed attack and so on. It is important for us to improve the effectiveness of the Countermeasures by the exercises. And JAEA is needed to announce the relevant information from the research on Japanese and foreign countries' cases and keep on improving the technological support ability.



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