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Report No.

Determinaion of parameters for a stress-strain constitutive equation considering time-dependent behavior of Toki granite

Hirano, Toru; Seno, Yasuhiro; Nakama, Shigeo ; Okubo, Seisuke*

Toki granite was tested to obtain parameters for the constitutive equation and numerical simulations were carried out. The testing method was uniaxial compressive loading at the moderate a constant strain rate that is decreased after yielding to obtain the complete stress-strain curve. In addition, two kinds of the strain rate were alternately switched to obtain the parameter ${it n}$ from one specimen. The ${it n}$ represents the strength time-dependence in the constitutive equation. Based on ${it n}$ and the complete stress-strain curve, second parameter ${it m}$ can be calculated by numerical simulations. The ${it m}$ accounts for the behavior after yielding. According to the results, Toki granite has ${it n}$=52 and ${it m}$=60. Thus shows relatively low time-dependence.



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