※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Sudden transition into ICP-mode from CCP-mode with internal RF multi-turn antenna of CVD

山内 俊彦; 中垣 圭太; 管野 善則*; 小林 清二*; 竹本 亮*

Yamauchi, Toshihiko; Nakagaki, Keita; Kanno, Yoshinori*; Kobayashi, Seiji*; Takemoto, Ryo*

複数巻きRFアンテナコイルをチャンバー内部に取り付けたCVD装置を開発し、容量結合型プラズマ(CCP)と誘導結合型プラズマ(ICP)間の突然生ずる遷移現象解明の研究を行った。まず、この遷移は3種類存在することがわかった。一つ目は、通常の遷移(われわれが最初に内部アンテナで発見、standard transition)、次は、CCPとICPを同時に伴う混合遷移(mixed transition)、そして最後は自己変調繰り返し遷移(self-repeated tramsition)である。それらの遷移のRFパワー及びガス圧に関する境界条件を実験的に見つけるとともに、物理的な遷移現象解明に一歩近づけることができた。

The CVD system with internal RF multi-turn antenna coil for 27.12 MHz was developed, and to study the transition between CCP (Capacitively Coupled Plasma) and ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma). The observed transition was classified into three types of transition: the standard transition, the direct transition with the mixed-mode and the repeated transition. The power boundary condition for each transition which is associated with the gas pressure and RF power is presented. Here, the standard transition was mainly presented: The transition time was 8 microsec at 10 Pa, which became longer with the increase of gas pressure. The increments of electron temperature and density by the transition into ICP were three times and double figures higher respectively.



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