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Report No.

Incorporating the electromagnetic field in the EGS5 code

Torii, Tatsuo  ; Sugita, Takeshi*

In recent years, radiation bursts called terrestrial $$gamma$$-ray flashes (TGFs) have been observed over thunderclouds by X- and $$gamma$$-ray observation satellites. Accordingly, a set of modules designed to analyze the effects of electrons on the thundercloud electric field and global electric fields was developed, and the subroutine ELECTR was modified. These modules and the modified subroutine were then incorporated into the EGS5 code. Furthermore, in the EGS5 the density of substances was set for each computational region, but the code was modified to allow the density to be changed continuously by simulating the global atmosphere. The magnetic field was compared with the user code UCBEND and it was confirmed to agree well.



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