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Report No.

An Investigation on technical feasibilities of fuel cycle for high temperature gas-cooled reactor (Case study)

Sumita, Junya ; Ueta, Shohei   ; Aihara, Jun ; Shibata, Taiju ; Sawa, Kazuhiro

In accordance with the basic policy of effectively using nuclear fuel resources, the FBR cycle, one of the most possible fuel cycle in the future, will be adapted after plu-thermal program by LWR in Japanese nuclear cycle plan. In this paper, a case study of technical investigation of HTGR fuel cycle based on HTGR fuel cycle proposed to adapt to Japanese nuclear fuel cycle plan were carried out from the viewpoint of effective utilization of uranium, fabrication technologies of MOX fuel, reprocessing technologies, amount of interim storage of HTGR fuel and graphite waste. As a result, the fuel cycle for HTGR is expected to be possible technically.



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