※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Sedimentation of isotope atoms in monatomic liquid Se


真下 茂; 小野 正雄  ; Huang, X. S.*; 井口 裕介*; 岡安 悟  ; 小林 桂*; 中村 栄三*

Mashimo, Tsutomu; Ono, Masao; Huang, X. S.*; Iguchi, Yusuke*; Okayasu, Satoru; Kobayashi, Katsura*; Nakamura, Eizo*


A strong gravitational field resulted in the sedimentation of isotope atoms in monatomic liquid. The concentration ratio $$^{82}$$Se/$$^{76}$$Se increased by greater than 3.5% in specimen ultracentrifuged at 0.7$$sim$$0.9 million G and at 300$$^{circ}$$C. The recovered sample had a feather-shaped crystalline morphology. The concentration gradient was nearly twice that of the steady state analytical result (ideal gas system), indicating a non-ideal system diffusion. The present result is evidence of sedimentation of substitutional atoms in condensed matter via self-diffusion, and suggestes its possible application to isotope separation, crystalline control and matter dynamics in massive star.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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