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高速増殖炉サイクル実用化研究開発; 「FaCTセミナー国家基幹技術としての開発」開催結果及び資料集

Fast reactor cycle technology development; "FaCT Seminar, R&D for Key Technology of National Importance" conference report and collection of documents


Advanced Nuclear System Research and Development Directorate


An R&D program on the fast breeder reactor cycle commercialization, the FaCT Project, which was selected as one of the Key Technologies of National Importance, has been conducted at the JAEA for the purposes of resolving the issues of long-term sustainable energy supply and the global warming. The first Seminar of the FaCT Project was held at the Osaka Science and Technology Center on November 30, 2007, to present the progress and status of the Project and exchange opinions among the participants from various sectors. In the Seminar, MEXT, METI and JAEA reported the national nuclear policy, the current status and future plan of the FaCT Project. A special panel session was also held on the approach to international collaboration relevant to the Project, and the importance was stressed on further promoting the international collaboration and keeping the framework of international partnership in this area, while distinguishing the relationship between "cooperation" and "competition".



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