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Report No.

Numerical assessment of the influence of long-term topographic change on deep groundwater flow conditions

Onoe, Hironori ; Sasao, Eiji   ; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Kosaka, Hiroshi*

It is important to understand how long-term geological phenomena influence deep hydrogeological and hydrochemical environments, and to predict influence of long-term geological phenomena in the future for the geological disposal of nuclear wastes. In this study, influence of long-term topographic change on deep groundwater flow conditions was numerically assessed using paleohydrogeological approach. Concretely, paleotopography of wide area was estimated in generalities and groundwater flow simulations were carried out in the Tono area. As a result, it was confirmed that the effects of long-term topography change and hydraulic features of faults on groundwater flow conditions. The methodology in order to understand change of groundwater flow conditions due to long-term topographic change efficiently for identification of detail investigation and assessment area is proposed based on the result of this study.



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