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Report No.

Isomeric states in $$^{214}$$Th and $$^{213}$$Th

Khuyagbaatar, J.*; Hofmann, S.*; He${ss}$berger, F. P.*; Ackermann, D.*; Antalic, S.*; Burkhard, H. G.*; Heinz, S.*; Kindler, B.*; Lisetskiy, A. F.*; Lommel, B.*; Mann, R.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa   ; Sch$"o$tt, H. J.*; Sulignano, B.*

Isomeric states in $$^{214}$$Th and $$^{213}$$Th were produced in the fusion-evaporation reactions of $$^{54}$$Cr + $$^{164}$$Dy and identified by means of $$gamma$$-rays from the isomeric states. The life-times were determined by measureing the time difference between the signals of the implanted evaporation residues ($$^{213,214}$$Th) and the $$gamma$$-rays signals, and were obtained to be 1.24 $$mu$$s for $$^{214}$$Th and 1.4 $$mu$$s for $$^{213}$$Th. The proton configuration betweens the orbitals of 1h$$_{9/2}$$ and 2f$$_{7/2}$$ was assigned to the isomeric states in $$^{214}$$Th.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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