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Report No.

Redox front formation in an uplifting sedimentary rock sequence; An Analogue for redox-controlling processes in the geosphere around deep geological repositories for radioactive waste

Yoshida, Hidekazu; Metcalfe, R.*; Yamamoto, Koshi*; Amano, Yuki   ; Hoshii, Daisuke*; Kanekiyo, Akiko*; Naganuma, Takeshi*; Hayashi, Toru*

Subsurface redox fronts control the mobilization and fixation of many trace elements. Any safety assessment for a deep geological repository for radioactive wastes needs to take into account adequately the long-term redox processes in the geosphere surrounding the repository. The water-rock-microbe interactions can be considered analogous to the processes occurring in the redox fronts that would develop around geological repositories for radioactive waste. Once formed, the Fe-ooxyhydroxides within such a front would be preserved even after reducing conditions resume following repository closure.



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Category:Geochemistry & Geophysics



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