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Research on evacuation planning as nuclear emergency preparedness, 2; Reflex action phase and evacuation in France and examples of evacuation time estimation models

Yamamoto, Kazuya 

Reflex action phase introduced in France is a prompt sheltering in place is requested in the case of accidents liable to cause radioactive release within a short period. Subsequent evacuation is conducted after the passage of the radioactive plume. Pre-distribution of stable iodine tablets to the populations living in this area is a condition for this. Evacuees is transported to public reception centers by buses in France. The public reception center is selected from facilities where are outside of 10km radius from the plant. According to examples of evacuation time estimation (ETE) report in U.S., ETE have to be conduct for conditions, season, day of week, time of day, weather, and large events. It is very important for ETE to consider a portion of the population outside the impacted region will elect to voluntary evacuate. Traffic simulation technology development for large network of main and small roads is very important in Japan.



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