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 年 ~ 

The Configuration and electronic state of SO$$_{3}$$ adsorbed on Au surface


鈴木 知史 ; 中桐 俊男  

Suzuki, Chikashi; Nakagiri, Toshio


We evaluated the adsorption of SO$$_{3}$$ molecule on the Au (111) surface using the first-principles calculations by a slab model with a periodic boundary condition. We find that there are six stable adsorption configurations on the Au surface, where SO$$_{3}$$ molecules are adsorbed above the three-fold fcc and hcp hallow sites and atop site. In two of these configurations, S and two O atoms are bound to the Pt atoms, and in two other of them, all the three O atoms are bound to Pt surface atoms, and then, S atom is bound to Au surface atom on the atop site and O atoms are situated on the hallow sites. In addition, it is found that molecular orbitals of SO$$_{3}$$ and those of Au surface are hybridized in the active metal d-bands region, that the localized molecular orbitals in SO$$_{3}$$ are stabilized, and that the charge is transferred from Au to S 3p by SO$$_{3}$$ adsorption on Au surface though the other interaction of S and O (bound to Au) component with Au is little. In addition, the bond between S and O bound to Au become weak by SO$$_{3}$$ adsorption on Au surface because the charge polarization to O-Au bond weakens the bond between S and O bound to Au. This interaction is assumed to encourage the breakage of S-O bond.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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