※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Control of self-assembling processes of polyamidoamine dendrimers and Pd nanoparticles


田中 宏和*; 橋本 竹治; 小泉 智; 伊東 秀明*; 中 建介*; 中條 善樹*

Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Hashimoto, Takeji; Koizumi, Satoshi; Ito, Hideaki*; Naka, Kensuke*; Chujo, Yoshiki*


We have investigated the self-assembly formed by palladium acetate (Pd(OAc)$$_{2}$$) and polyamidoamine dendrimers (GN-NH$$_{2}$$) in a mixed solvent of methanol and N, N-dimethylformamide. We aim to explore effects of the generation number (GN) and concentration of the dendrimers, [GN-NH$$_{2}$$], on the self-assembly of the dendrimers (defined hereafter as "templates") and the Pd nanoparticles inside the templates in order to clarify physical factors controlling the self-assembling mechanisms. We found that the templates are formed only when [GN-NH$$_{2}$$] falls below a critical value and thereby a sufficient amount of Pd(OAc)$$_{2}$$ exists as the binders between the dendrimers. Otherwise dendrimers are molecularly dispersed in solution.



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分野:Polymer Science



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