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Comprehensive education and training activities at JAEA Nuclear Technology and Education Center


杉本 純; 坂本 隆一; 櫛田 浩平; 新井 信義; 服部 隆充; 松田 健二; 生田 優子 ; 佐藤 公一

Sugimoto, Jun; Sakamoto, Ryuichi; Kushita, Kohei; Arai, Nobuyoshi; Hattori, Takamitsu; Matsuda, Kenji; Ikuta, Yuko; Sato, Koichi


Nuclear human resources development (HRD) in Japan has been identified as one of the most important issues these years in nuclear society, mostly due to the decrease of nuclear engineers in industries and students in universities, and to the difficulties of technical transfers. Nuclear Technology and Education Center (NuTEC) at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) aims at comprehensive nuclear education and training activities, which cover (1) education and training for domestic nuclear engineers, (2) cooperation with universities and (3) international cooperation. The main feature of NuTEC's training programs is that the curricula places emphasis on the laboratory exercise with well-equipped training facilities and expertise of lecturers mostly from JAEA. The wide spectrum of cooperative activities have been pursued with universities, which includes newly developed remote-education system, and also with international organizations, such as with FNCA countries and IAEA.



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