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Report No.

Steam-assisted pyrolysis system for decontamination and volume reduction of radioactive organic waste

Sasaki, Toshiki ; Sone, Tomoyuki ; Koyama, Hayato; Yamaguchi, Hiromi 

A demonstration scale steam reforming treatment system was tested for the treatment of waste tri-n-butyl phosphate/n-dodecane contaminated uranium and simulated halogenated organic wastes stored in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The steam reforming treatment system was designed for the organic waste which produced a lot of acidic compounds by incineration and gave severe damage to incinerators. The system comprises a gasification process for decontamination by pyrolysis and steam reforming in a gasification chamber and a destruction process by oxidation with heated air in a submerged combustion type reactor for corrosion prevention. Wastes were reduced by 98 to 99.4% in weight during the treatment without any trouble by the acidic compounds. Almost all uranium was retained in the gasification chamber and uranium concentration of secondary waste water was very low that can permit the discharge of the neutralized waste water in the river.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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