※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Topological transition from accretion to ejection in a disk-jet system; Singular perturbation of the Hall effect in a weakly ionized plasma

降着円盤における降着からジェットへのトポロジカルな遷移; 弱電離プラズマ中のホール効果による特異摂動

白石 淳也; 吉田 善章*; 古川 勝*

Shiraishi, Junya; Yoshida, Zensho*; Furukawa, Masaru*


A thin disk accompanied by spindle-like jet, created commonly near massive central objects, exhibits a topologically singular aspect when viewed from an ideal macroscopic theory. The accreting inflow and jet's outflow are "singular perturbation" on the ambient Keplerian rotation, which are generated by some non-ideal higher-order (in the order of derivatives) effect. The Hall effect can generate such a structure in a weakly ionized plasma of a protostellar disk. Numerical estimate of the characteristic length scale defined by the singular perturbation justifies the precedence of the Hall effect.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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