※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Current status and future plan of JMTR Hot Laboratory


川又 一夫; 中川 哲也; 近江 正男; 林 光二; 柴田 晃 ; 齋藤 順市 ; 新見 素二

Kawamata, Kazuo; Nakagawa, Tetsuya; Omi, Masao; Hayashi, Koji; Shibata, Akira; Saito, Junichi; Niimi, Motoji


The JMTR-HL was founded to examine the objects mainly irradiated in the JMTR in 1971. The JMTR-HL has an advantage that the hot cell is connected with the reactor vessel of the JMTR by a canal. Hence it is easy to transport irradiated radioactive capsules and specimens through the canal. Since 1971, about 2,400 irradiated capsules have been treated in the JMTR-HL and various PIEs have been widely performed there. In recent years, several new techniques, e.g., an in-cell IASCC test, a scanning-electron microscope (SEM) / electron-back scattering-diffraction pattern (EBSD) observation, were added to the conventional PIEs. In addition, the JMTR-HL had contributed to realize an in-pile IASCC test program at the JMTR through the development of a TIG welding technique by remote-handling with manipulators in the hot cell for re-assembling of capsules. A modification of the facility to treat high burn-up fuels, up to about 100 GWD/t, is planned at the JMTR-HL now.



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