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Report No.

Highly efficient solid-phase extraction of inorganic ions using ion-exchange porous polymer disk cartridge

Asai, Shiho; Magara, Masaaki  ; Shinohara, Nobuo ; Yamada, Shinsuke*; Nagai, Masanori*; Miyoshi, Kazuyoshi*; Saito, Kyoichi*

The use of a column charged with an ion-exchange resin has been widely employed to separation of actinides. However, the use of the resin-packed column has a drawback in that a higher flow rate of the sample solution through the column results in a lower recovery. In order to overcome this drawback in the use of the conventional column, we prepared an anion-exchange cartridge charged with a diethylamino-group-containing porous disk. To evaluate the applicability, the binding efficiencies of U and Pu were determined at various flow rates. 5 mL of standard solution containing U and Pu was permeated through the anion-exchange cartridge at the flow rate raging from 0.3 to 80 mL/min. Adsorption efficiencies of U and Pu were 1.0 irrespective of the flow rate. This adsorption characteristic is advantageous over the conventional anion-exchange resin-packed column in that a higher flow rate of the sample solution, i. e., a shorter processing time of analysis, is achievable.



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