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Report No.

Investigation of the crack in a reflector element of JRR-4

The ad hoc Working Group of Investigating into the Crack on a Reflector Element of JRR-4

A crack was ascertained on a weld area of one reflector element on December 28, 2007. The Department of Research Reactor and Tandem Accelerator set up an ad hoc working group of experts in the JAEA, and investigated cause of crack on the weld area. The following examinations were carried out; visual examination, dimensional examination, fractography examination and so on. It was concluded that the main cause of the crack is the swelling of graphite in the reflector element. The swelling must be due to neutron irradiation. We carried out a radiografical examination of the other reflector elements. As the result, we determined that many of them were not in a suitable state to be used because of swelling of graphite. The design of the new reflector elements should be carried out, based on the relation between the irradiation dose and swelling rate, which has been obtained in these investigation.



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