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Tritium removal by Y hot trap for purification of IFMIF Li target


枝尾 裕希*; 深田 智*; 山口 翔*; Wu, Y.*; 中村 博雄

Edao, Yuki*; Fukada, Satoshi*; Yamaguchi, Sho*; Wu, Y.*; Nakamura, Hiroo

In the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF), tritium of a by-product is removed by a Y hot trap placed in a by-path position of the flowing Li target. Since the T equilibrium pressure is extremely low, the removal rate of H isotopes is affected by coexisting other impurities such as N, C and O dissolved in Li. In the present study, the removal process of H isotopes is experimentally investigated under the three different conditions: (1) measuring gravimetrically in a static Li + Y system with the supply of low concentration hydrogen in Ar purge, (2) counting the change of T radioactivity in a static Li + Y system after neutron irradiation and (3) measuring the change of the hydrogen concentration in a stirred Li + Y system with the supply of low concentration hydrogen in Ar purge. There was no corrosive action in the Y-Li interface after 100 hr contact at 500$$^{circ}$$C. The present results are extended to design a Y hot trap for the EVEDA Li loop.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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