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Report No.

Development of multi pinhole collimator for neutron radiography

Hayashida, Hirotoshi; Segawa, Mariko   ; Yasuda, Ryo; Iikura, Hiroshi  ; Sakai, Takuro; Matsubayashi, Masahito  

Improvement of spatial resolution is common needs of users of in neutron radiography (NR) in various research fields such as materials, fuel cell, architecture, and so on. High collimator ratio (L/D) is one of the most significant factors for high spatial resolution imaging, because size of the geometric unsharpness formed on an image is inversely proportional to L/D. Small aperture collimator system is effective for increasing L/D of neutron radiography system. In case of using aperture with a diameter of 2 mm on thermal neutron radiography facility (TNRF) in JRR-3, the irradiation area is 20 by 20 mm, being not enough area to view large size samples. We develop a multi pinhole collimator system in order to enlarge the visible area.



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