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Report No.

Evaluation of inductive heating energy of a PF Insert Coil conductor by the calorimetric method (Contract research)

Matsui, Kunihiro; Nabara, Yoshihiro; Nunoya, Yoshihiko; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Okuno, Kiyoshi

PF Insert Coil is a single layer solenoid coil using the superconducting conductor for ITER Poloidal field coil. The stability test of the conductor will be performed under the magnetic field. In this test, the inductive heating by the inductive heater attached on the conductor will be applied to originate initial normal zone in the conductor. Since the conductor for the PF Insert Coil is the cable-in-conduit conductor, it is quite difficult to estimate the inductive heating energy theoretically. Thus, the inductive heating energy is experimentally evaluated by the calorimetric method. The proportional constants of the inductive heating generated in the conductor, cable and conduit are evaluated at 0.129 [J/A$$^{2}$$s], 0.019 [J/A$$^{2}$$s] and 0.109 [J/A$$^{2}$$s], respectively.



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