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Development of three-dimensional virtual plant vibration simulator on grid computing environment ITBL-IS/AEGIS


鈴木 喜雄   ; 西田 明美  ; 新谷 文将; 櫛田 慶幸; 阿久津 拓; 手島 直哉; 中島 康平; 近藤 誠; 林 幸子; 青柳 哲雄; 中島 憲宏  

Suzuki, Yoshio; Nishida, Akemi; Araya, Fumimasa; Kushida, Noriyuki; Akutsu, Taku; Teshima, Naoya; Nakajima, Kohei; Kondo, Makoto; Hayashi, Sachiko; Aoyagi, Tetsuo; Nakajima, Norihiro


Center for computational science and e-systems of Japan Atomic Energy Agency is carrying out R&D in the area of extra large-scale simulation technologies for solving nuclear plant structures in its entirety. Specifically, we focus on establishing a virtual plant vibration simulator on inter-connected supercomputers intended for seismic response analysis of a whole nuclear plant. The simulation of a whole plant is a very difficult task because an extremely large dataset must be processed. To overcome this difficulty, we have proposed and implemented a necessary simulation framework and computing platform. The computing platform enables an extra large-scale whole nuclear plant simulation to be carried out on a grid computing platform ITBL-IS and AEGIS. The simulation framework based on the computing platform has been applied to a linear elastic analysis of the reactor pressure vessel and cooling systems of the nuclear research facility, HTTR.



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