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Report No.

Recent progress of analytical methods of spent nuclear fuel, Review

Yoshida, Zenko; Watanabe, Kazuo; Ito, Mitsuo; Ueno, Takashi ; Takeshita, Hidefumi

Analytical methods for the spent nuclear fuel (SF) have been greatly innovated recently. This methodological innovation is mainly caused by rapid and remarkable progress of induced coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) which is utilized for the isotopic analysis of actinoid elements (U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm) and fission product elements in the SF samples. The quantity of the objective element as well as the volume of the sample solution needed for the ICP-MS measurement are, in principle, much less than those required for the measurement by other analytical methods. ICP-MS makes it possible to reduce the radiation dose of the operator and to minimize the amount of the radioactive wastes generated from the analytical work. For the precise and accurate isotopic analysis of the objective element in the SF sample by mass spectrometry, the interfering element having isobars needs to be separated prior to the measurement. This review highlights the development of the separation methods and isotopic analysis methods for the analysis of the SF based on more than 50 recent publications and the future problems to be solved and prospects are discussed.



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