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 年 ~ 

Development and verification of a migration model for minor actinide redistribution


小澤 隆之   ; 加藤 正人   

Ozawa, Takayuki; Kato, Masato


Americium, one of MAs, is contained in MOX fuels due to decay of plutonium-241. The radial redistribution of americium has been observed with that of plutonium in the irradiated MOX fuel. The development of a migration model for plutonium and americium redistribution would be important for fuel design because of their influence on thermal properties, i.e. thermal conductivity and melting temperature. In this study, the migration model for plutonium and americium redistribution was developed by taking into account thermal diffusion concurrently with vapor phase transport via pores in the fuel. The computed radial redistribution of plutonium and americium was found to be in good agreement with the results of post-irradiation examinations after the irradiation test for 2% neptunium and 2% americium doped uranium plutonium mixed oxide (U, Np, Pu, Am)O$$_{rm 2-x}$$ fuel in JOYO.



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