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Report No.

$$^{52}$$Fe translocation in barley as monitored by a Positron-Emitting Tracer Imaging System (PETIS); Evidence for the direct translocation of Fe from roots to young leaves via phloem

Tsukamoto, Takashi*; Nakanishi, Hiromi*; Uchida, Hiroshi*; Watanabe, Satoshi; Matsuhashi, Shimpei; Mori, Satoshi*; Nishizawa, Naoko*

The real-time translocation of iron (Fe) in barley (${it Hordeumvulgare}$ L. cv. Ehimehadaka no.1) was visualized using the positron-emitting tracer $$^{52}$$Fe and a positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). PETIS allowed us to monitor Fe translocation in barley non-destructively under various conditions. In all cases, $$^{52}$$Fe first accumulated at the basal part of the shoot. Fe-deficient barley showed greater translocation of $$^{52}$$Fe from roots to shoots than did Fe-sufficient barley. In the dark, translocation of $$^{52}$$Fe to the youngest leaf was equivalent to or higher than that under the light condition, while the translocation of $$^{52}$$Fe to the older leaves was decreased, in both Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient barley. This suggests the possibility that the mechanism and/or pathway of Fe translocation to the youngest leaf may be different from that to the older leaves. When phloem transport in the leaf was blocked by steam treatment, $$^{52}$$Fe translocation from the roots to older leaves was not affected, while $$^{52}$$Fe translocation to the youngest leaf was reduced. We propose a novel model in which root-absorbed Fe is translocated from the basal part of the shoots and/or roots to the youngest leaf via phloem in graminaceous plants.



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Category:Plant Sciences



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