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Report No.

Higher harmonic voltages in J-PARC RCS operation

Schnase, A.; Tamura, Fumihiko   ; Yamamoto, Masanobu   ; Nomura, Masahiro  ; Hasegawa, Katsushi; Shimada, Taihei ; Suzuki, Hiromitsu; Omori, Chihiro*; Yoshii, Masahito*; Ezura, Eiji*; Hara, Keigo*; Toda, Makoto*

The J-PARC Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) uses broadband magnetic alloy loaded cavities to create the acceleration voltages needed for rapid cycling at 25 Hz rate. Besides the desired second harmonic of the acceleration frequency, which is employed in the painting process of RCS injection, also unwanted harmonics can be found at the acceleration gaps of the cavities. Here, the effect of the vector sums of undesired harmonics during the acceleration process is estimated.



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