※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Mass-dependent isotopic fractionation of a solid tin under a strong gravitational field


大澤 崇人  ; 小野 正雄  ; 江坂 文孝  ; 岡安 悟  ; 井口 祐介*; Hao, T.; 間柄 正明  ; 真下 茂

Osawa, Takahito; Ono, Masao; Esaka, Fumitaka; Okayasu, Satoru; Iguchi, Yusuke*; Hao, T.; Magara, Masaaki; Mashimo, Tsutomu

純スズを1$$times$$10$$^{6}$$g 220$$^{circ}$$C 100時間, 0.40$$times$$10$$^{6}$$g 220-230$$^{circ}$$C 24時間, 0.25$$times$$10$$^{6}$$g 220$$^{circ}$$C 24時間の3つの条件で遠心分離を行い、それぞれの試料の同位体組成を二次イオン質量分析計で測定した。1.02$$times$$10$$^{6}$$g試料の$$^{116}$$Sn/$$^{120}$$Snと$$^{124}$$Sn/$$^{120}$$Sn比は初期値から2.6%もの大きな変動が確認された。$$^{116}$$Sn/$$^{120}$$Snと$$^{124}$$Sn/$$^{120}$$Snの二次元プロットは、強重力場下の固体スズの同位体変動は同位体の質量のみに依存していることを示していた。

Pure tin metals were centrifuged at 1$$times$$$$10^6$$ $$g$$ and at 220 $$^{circ}$$C for 100 hours, 0.40$$times$$$$10^6$$ $$g$$ at 220-230 $$^{circ}$$C for 24 hours, and 0.25$$times$$$$10^6$$ $$g$$ at 220 $$^{circ}$$C for 24 hours. Their isotopic compositions were measured by a secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS). $$^{116}$$Sn/$$^{120}$$Sn and $$^{124}$$Sn/$$^{120}$$Sn ratios of the 1.02$$times$$$$10^6$$ $$g$$ sample were considerably different than the initial compositions, and the magnitude of isotopic fractionation reached 2.6%. A three-isotope diagram of $$^{116}$$Sn/$$^{120}$$Sn versus $$^{124}$$Sn/$$^{120}$$Sn shows conclusively that isotopic fractionation caused by a gravitational field depended only on isotopic mass.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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