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Report No.

Numerical study of fog deposition on vegetation for atmosphere-land interactions in semi-arid and arid regions

Katata, Genki; Nagai, Haruyasu  ; Kajino, Mizuo*; Ueda, Hiromasa*; Hozumi, Yu*

The aim of the present study is to evaluate fog deposition on vegetation and its contribution to water and energy balance in arid regions using a detailed land surface model including fog deposition on vegetation under meteorological conditions simulated by a meteorological model. The results of estimated fog deposition indicated that fog deposition provided a more effective water source for plant growth as compared to heavy rainfall in arid areas. Evaporation from leaf surface water eases the plant's water stress via reducing transpiration. Latent heat of evaporation from the leaf surface water and soil causes temperature reduction of soil and leaves during the daytime. Moreover, decreased transpiration rates as a result of increased evaporation from the leaf surface water due to fog deposition, yields an effective water source to be used for photosynthesis for those plants suffering from severe water stress in arid environments.



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