※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Impulsive stimulated Raman transition on the $$B$$ state of iodine molecules via repulsive states


松岡 雷士; 横山 啓一  ; 横山 淳

Matsuoka, Leo; Yokoyama, Keiichi; Yokoyama, Atsushi

Impulsive Raman transition on the $$B^3Pi$$(0$$^+_u$$) state of the iodine molecule is reported for the first time. Several ro-vibrational states in the $$B$$ state are populated with the second harmonics of a Nd:YLF laser ($$le$$250 ns, 527nm). The population alteration with $$Delta v=pm1$$ and $$pm2$$ are induced with a Ti:Sapphire laser ($$sim$$30fs, 780nm, 10$$^{12}$$-10$$^{14}$$ W/cm$$^2$$) and detected by the $$B$$-$$X$$ dispersed fluorescence spectrum. The alteration is attributed to the Raman transition on the basis of the spectral profile, the pressure dependence, and the laser power dependence. The observed Raman transition is concluded to be a continuum resonance Raman transition mediated by upper repulsive states. Competing dissociation and ionization processes are also discussed by analyzing the laser power dependence.



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