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 年 ~ 

Development of GSALab computer code for global sensitivity analysis


劉 峭; 本間 俊充

Liu, Q.; Homma, Toshimitsu


In order to evaluate the model output uncertainty and the contribution of each model input to it, the computer code GSALab, which is based on Monte Carlo simulations, has been developed. It is composed of three parts, namely, random samples generation, uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis. The random samples are generated based on the probability distribution of model input variables in the part of random sample generation. The statistics as well as the distribution of the model output are computed in the part of uncertainty analysis. In the part of sensitivity analysis, several global sensitivity indicators, including the popularly used variance-based indicators, are implemented. In addition, the GUI (Graphical User Interface)of GSALab has been developed for the user's convenience. In addition to risk assessment models, it is also possible to use GSALab for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of a wide class of mathematical models.



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