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 年 ~ 

Simulation technique of free-boundary equilibrium evolution in plasma ramp-up phase


本多 充

Honda, Mitsuru


We describe a new scheme for a consistent linkage between the transport and equilibrium solvers in the integrated transport code TOPICS for a transport simulation in tokamaks during a plasma volume ramp-up phase. Although the flux conserving tokamak (FCT) equilibrium solver implemented in TOPICS is well consistent with the transport solver, it cannot evaluate a toroidal magnetic flux associated with an evolving equilibrium by itself. The evolution of the equilibrium is then modelled with a combination of the determination of the toroidal magnetic flux by the iterative solution of the Grad-Shafranov equation and the FCT scheme. The new scheme developed is applied to a predictive simulation with the volume expansion in JT-60U.



- Accesses




分野:Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications



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