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 年 ~ 


Evaluation of neutron irradiation damage based on magnetic properties

高屋 茂  ; 山県 一郎 ; 今野 将太郎; 市川 正一; 小川 竜一郎; 永江 勇二 

Takaya, Shigeru; Yamagata, Ichiro; Konno, Shotaro; Ichikawa, Shoichi; Ogawa, Ryuichiro; Nagae, Yuji


We measured the magnetic flux densities and the magnetization curves on neutron irradiated fast reactor grade type 316 stainless steels by a flux gate sensor and a newly developed vibrating sample magnetometer, respectively. As the result, it was revealed that there is a good relationship between magnetic property and dose, one of representative irradiation damage parameters. This result shows the possibility of nondestructive evaluation of neutron irradiation damage based on magnetic properties.



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