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Report No.

Recent R&D results on polymeric materials for a SPE-type high-level tritiated water electrolyzer system

Iwai, Yasunori; Sato, Katsumi; Hiroki, Akihiro; Tamada, Masao; Hayashi, Takumi; Yamanishi, Toshihiko

The deteriorations of polymeric materials for a SPE-type high-level tritiated water electrolyzer composed of the Water Detritiation System (WDS) against sulfonic acid environment and radiation environment were discussed. A long-term durability of VITON, AFLAS, denaturated polyphenylene ether, and Kapton polyimide immersed in a sulfonic acid was demonstrated. Negligible degradation in percent elongation at break of these polymeric materials was observed up to the immersing period of 2 years. The detectable radiation deterioration in ionic conductivity of Nafion N117CS ion exchange membrane irradiated with electron beams up to the integrated dose of 1500 kGy was measured. The ionic conductivity of Nafion N117CS ion exchange membrane irradiated at more than 1000 kGy was slightly deteriorated. As for the elastomers for its use as a seal, the radiation degradation in hardness of VITON, AFLAS was investigated. Negligible degradation in hardness of these rubbers was observed up to the integrated dose of 1500 kGy. The water uptake of rubbers was generally increased as the integrated dose was increased. However, irradiated VITON rubbers had constant water uptake up to the integrated dose of 1500 kGy.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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