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Report No.

Development of reactivity feedback effect measurement techniques under sub-critical condition in fast reactor, 1-1; Purpose and program

Okajima, Shigeaki  ; Nishi, Hiroshi; Yamane, Yoshihiro*; Kanemoto, Shigeru*; Yamane, Tsuyoshi; Mori, Takamasa; Kitamura, Yasunori; Fukushima, Masahiro   ; Kitano, Akihiro ; Ando, Masaki  ; Takano, Kazuya ; Usami, Shin ; Suzuki, Takayuki 

The program was planned and has been carried out to develop of the reactivity feedback effect measurement techniques under sub-critical condition in the start-up experiment for fast reactors. The program includes the demonstration of the developed technique in fast critical assembly (FCA) and the proposal of the appropriate measurement system based on the results. The background and the purposes of the program and the outline of development subjects are presented.



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