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IFMIF's new design; Status after 2 years of EVEDA project

IFMIFの新たな設計; 2年間のEVEDA事業の状況

Garin, P.*; 杉本 昌義

Garin, P.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi


IFMIF is a major installation in the fusion programme to irradiate and characterize the fusion materials necessary for development of DEMO and the future fusion power plants. The Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities launched in mid 2007 in the framework of the Broader Approach agreement between EURATON and Japan comprise four sub-projects: (1) to complete engineering design of IFMIF, (2) to build and operate prototype of low energy part of accelerator up to 9MeV with 125mA beam current, (3) to validate full liquid lithium loop including purification traps and monitoring devices, and (4) to design and manufacture high flux test module of the test cell with testing in relevant conditions. Two years after the official start of the project the most important modifications to the reference design were high energy part of accelerator, lithium target assembly backplate, and high flux test module geometry. The impacts of these changes on the project are summarized.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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