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Effect of welding and coating on deuterium permeation through F82H


中村 博文; 中道 勝; 谷川 博康; 山西 敏彦

Nakamura, Hirofumi; Nakamichi, Masaru; Tanigawa, Hiroyasu; Yamanishi, Toshihiko


Deuterium permeation characteristics through various surface states ofF82H such as F82H without surface treatment (bare F82H), welded F82H,and gold plated F82H (Au-F82H) have been investigated in order to understand the effect of surface state on permeation for the realistic tritium permeation evaluation in the fusion reactors especially breeding blanket system, which has many welding points and permeation reduction coatings. Based on obtained permeation behavior, the steady state permeation and the diffusivity derived form the transient permeation behavior have been discussed. As the results, deuterium permeation through bare F82H is smaller than that through clean surface F82H. Asto the effect of welding on permeation, the results indicate that significant difference of welding is not observed between bare F82H and welded F82H. Finally, gold plating on F82H showed good permeation reduction performance.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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