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Report No.

3D modeling of the electron energy distribution function in negative hydrogen ion sources

Terasaki, Ryo*; Fujino, Ikuro*; Hatayama, Akiyoshi*; Mizuno, Takatoshi; Inoue, Takashi

In order to develop the large H$$^{-}$$ ion source for future fusion reactors, the uniform production of H$$^{-}$$ ions is one of the important issues. Recently, it has been shown experimentally in JAEA 10A negative ion source that the non-uniformity of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) inside the source and the resultant non-uniformity of the H$$^{-}$$ production strongly affect the H$$^{-}$$ beam optics. Therefore, modeling of the EEDF and analysis of the spatial non-uniformity of the EEDF is necessary to optimize H$$^{-}$$ ion source and the beam optics. For this purpose, we are developing the 3D3V Monte Carlo modeling of the EEDF in realistic 3D geometry. The code reproduces the spatial non-uniformity of the EEDF observed in the experiments. Our developing code is a powerful tool for the design of the next generation sources.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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