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Picosecond pulse radiolysis study on primary processes of radiolysis of water at elevated temperature up to supercritical condition

室屋 裕佐*; Lin, M.; Han, Z.*; 山下 真一; 上田 徹*; Mostafavi, M.*; 勝村 庸介

Muroya, Yusa*; Lin, M.; Han, Z.*; Yamashita, Shinichi; Ueda, Toru*; Mostafavi, M.*; Katsumura, Yosuke

高温超臨界水の放射線誘起反応をピコ秒時間分解能で追跡可能なパルスラジオリシス装置を構築し、室温から超臨界状態(400$$^{circ}$$C, 40MPa)における水和電子の時間挙動や収量変化を測定した。

By employing a newly developed high temperature - ultrafast pulse radiolysis system, temperature dependence of spur decay kinetics of the hydrated electron from room temperature up to supercritical condition was successfully measured. Faster spur decay within a few nanosecond was observed as increasing temperature. Picosecond yield of the hydrated electron at supercritical condition was also evaluated. The initial yield was found to show strongly density dependence of water.



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