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Optical emission spectroscopy of excited atoms sputtered on a Ti surface under irradiation with multicharged Ar ions


本橋 健次*; 齋藤 勇一; 北澤 真一

Motohashi, Kenji*; Saito, Yuichi; Kitazawa, Sin-iti

Optical emission spectroscopy of excited atoms was carried out in order to investigate the sputtering processes on solid surfaces under irradiation of slow, multicharged ions. Many atomic lines of Ti I (neutral) and Ti II (single-charged ions) were observed in wavelengths from 250 to 750 nm with irradiation by Ar$$^{3+}$$ (30 keV) on a Ti surface which was placed in a low pressure O$$_2$$ atmosphere. The emission intensity of Ti I (520 nm) decreased monotonically with an increase of O$$_2$$ partial pressure, whereas that of Ti I / II (670 nm, a 2$$^{nd}$$ order wavelength of 335 nm) slightly increased. From a semi-logarithmic plot of emission intensity for the 670 nm spectrum as a function of distance from the surface, the mean velocity of the excited Ti atoms and ions in a normal direction parallel to the surface, or $$<$$v$$_{bot}$$$$>$$, is estimated.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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