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Report No.

Influence of voxel size on specific absorbed fractions and $$S$$-values in a mouse voxel phantom

Mohammadi, A.; Kinase, Sakae   

In the study, two mouse voxel phantoms were constructed, both with cubic voxels, one with 0.1 mm sides and the other with 0.4 mm sides. The voxel phantoms with different voxel sizes were used to evaluate voxel size effect on specific absorbed fractions (SAFs). The sources were considered to be mono-energetic in the energy range of 10 keV to 4 MeV. The radiation transport was simulated using the Monte Carlo method. Consequently, it was found that the difference between two voxel phantom masses for the eyes is highest (about 8.7%) and for the kidneys is lowest (about 0.01%). A comparison of their organ masses might show that changing the voxel size from 0.1 mm cube to 0.4 mm cube does not have an appreciable effect on the masses of organs. This comparison of SAFs for self and cross-irradiation in organs of the phantoms with 0.1 mm and 0.4 mm voxel size would show how the values of SAFs depend on voxel size.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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