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Report No.

Neptunium carbonato complexes in aqueous solution; An Electrochemical, spectroscopic, and quantum chemical study

Ikeda, Atsushi  ; Tsushima, Satoru*; Takao, Koichiro*; Rossberg, A.*; Funke, H.*; Scheinost, A. C.*; Bernhard, G.*; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Hennig, C.*

The electrochemical behavior and complex structure of Np carbonato complexes have been investigated in aqueous Na$$_{2}$$CO$$_{3}$$ and Na$$_{2}$$CO$$_{3}$$/NaOH solutions at different oxidation states by using cyclic voltammetry, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and density functional theory calculations. The end-member complexes of penta- and hexavalent Np in 1.5 M Na$$_{2}$$CO$$_{3}$$ with pH = 11.7 have been determined as a transdioxo neptunyl tricarbonato complex, [NpO$$_{2}$$(CO$$_{3}$$)$$_{3}$$]$$^{n-}$$ ($$n$$ = 5 for Np$$^{rm V}$$, and 4 for Np$$^{rm VI}$$). In contrast, the electrochemical oxidation of Np$$^{rm V}$$ in a highly basic carbonate solution of 2.0M Na$$_{2}$$CO$$_{3}$$/1.0M NaOH (pH $$>$$ 13) yielded a stable heptavalent Np complex of [Np$$^{rm VII}$$ O$$_{4}$$(OH)$$_{2}$$]$$^{3-}$$, indicating that the oxidation reaction from Np$$^{rm V}$$ to Np$$^{rm VII}$$ in the carbonate solution involves a drastic structural rearrangement from the transdioxo configuration to a square-planar-tetraoxo configuration, as well as exchanging the coordinating anions from carbonate ions (CO$$_{3}$$$$^{2-}$$) to hydroxide ions (OH$$^{-}$$).



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Category:Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear



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