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Fission of heavy $$Lambda$$ hypernuclei with the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach


湊 太志   ; 千葉 敏; 萩野 浩一*

Minato, Futoshi; Chiba, Satoshi; Hagino, Koichi*


Fission-related phenomena of heavy $$Lambda$$ hypernuclei are discussed with the constraint Skyrme-Hartree-Fock+BCS (SHF+BCS) method, in which a similar Skyrme-type interaction is employed also for the interaction between a $$Lambda$$ particle and a nucleon. Assuming that the $$Lambda$$ particle adiabatically follows the fission motion, we discuss the fission barrier height of $$^{239}_{;;;Lambda}$$U. We find that the fission barrier height increases slightly when the $$Lambda$$ particle occupies the lowest level. In this case, the $$Lambda$$ particle is always attached to the heavier fission fragment. This indicates that one may produce heavy neutron-rich $$Lambda$$ hypernuclei through fission, whose weak decay is helpful for the nuclear transmutation of long-lived fission products. We also discuss cases where the $$Lambda$$ particle occupies a higher single-particle level.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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