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 年 ~ 

EPR study of radiation damage to DNA irradiated with synchrotron soft X-rays around nitrogen and oxygen K-edge


横谷 明徳; 藤井 健太郎; 福田 義博; 鵜飼 正敏*

Yokoya, Akinari; Fujii, Kentaro; Fukuda, Yoshihiro; Ukai, Masatoshi*


To obtain detailed insights into the physicochemical mechanism of DNA damage induction, "in situ" measurement of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal from DNA constituent nucleobases, guanine and adenine, has been performed in a vacuum using monochromatic synchrotron soft X-rays. We found that short-lived unpaired electron species arise only during irradiation to the evaporated thin film on a surface. The EPR spectrum of the short-lived species significantly depends on the photon energy irradiated, and the spin concentration obtained from the EPR spectra shows a similar fine structure to the X-ray photoabsorption spectra. For the adenine sample, the spin concentration alters strikingly by water absorption on the sample surface. Trapping of photo- or Auger electrons into a newly generated potential in the nucleobases as the consequence of photoelectric effect is suggested as mechanisms of the induction of the short-lived species.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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