※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

次世代型サイト特性調査情報統合システムの開発,8; 地質環境の長期安定性に関する調査を対象としたエキスパートシステムの開発

Information Synthesis and Interpretation System (ISIS), 8; Expert system for research on uplift rate

道家 涼介; 安江 健一; 新里 忠史  ; 中安 昭夫; 梅田 浩司; 大澤 英昭  

Doke, Ryosuke; Yasue, Kenichi; Niizato, Tadafumi; Nakayasu, Akio; Umeda, Koji; Osawa, Hideaki


Decision process and technical know-how on an estimation of uplift rate by using fluvial terraces as indicator, one of the researches on the long-term stability of the geological environments conducted by JAEA, have been clarified for expert system of "Information Synthesis and Interpretation System (ISIS)". A sequence of the research from "extraction of pre-existing information" to "calculation of uplift rates" and decision processes during the investigation and analysis have been illustrated as the "task flow" and "flow diagram of decision process", respectively. These "tacit knowledge" externalized by application of knowledge engineering methods have been integrated into the expert system of ISIS through the construction of IF-THEN rule-base.



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