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Report No.

Cement solidification test for incinerated ash, 1; Fundamental solidification characteristics of incinerated ashes

Kawato, Yoshimi; Tomioka, Osamu ; Takahashi, Kuniaki ; Meguro, Yoshihiro  ; Sakamoto, Hiroyuki*; Haga, Kazuko*

It is important to understand fundamental solidification characteristics of incinerated ashes of combustible and poorly combustible wastes generated by JAEA. Simulated solidified substances using incinerator fly ash were prepared under different conditions such as solidified materials, ash filling rates, amount of solidification retarders and so on. The compressive strength of the solidified substances prepared using a normal portland cement (OPC), a blast furnace slag cement (BB), and a low alkalinity cement (LAC) exceeded a standard value, 1.47 N/mm$$^2$$. The compressive strength made from the BB was lower 1.47 N/mm$$^2$$ when the filling rate of the incinerated ash was 40%. For the substances using the LAC, all the strengths were over 1.47 N/mm$$^2$$. Pb and Zn would behave as retardative substances for solidification. All substances showed the compressive strength with the BB or the LAC. As insolubilizers for heavy metals, ferrous sulfate and sodium sulfide prevented Cr from elution.



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