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 年 ~ 

JENDL-4.0; A New library for innovative nuclear energy systems

JENDL-4.0; 革新的原子力システムのための最新ライブラリー

柴田 恵一; 岩本 修  ; 中川 庸雄; 岩本 信之  ; 市原 晃 ; 国枝 賢  ; 千葉 敏; 片倉 純一; 大塚 直彦*

Shibata, Keiichi; Iwamoto, Osamu; Nakagawa, Tsuneo; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Ichihara, Akira; Kunieda, Satoshi; Chiba, Satoshi; Katakura, Junichi; Otsuka, Naohiko*


In JENDL-4, much emphasis is placed on the improvements of FP and MA data. For achieving this, new nuclear model codes POD and CCONE were developed, since experimental data are very scarce for those nuclei. The global coupled-channel optical model parameters, which were obtained in the wide mass region, were used for the evaluation of cross sections. Thermal cross sections of actinides were determined by carefully examining available experimental data. Special care was taken for the resonance region of $$^{235}$$U in order to reproduce measured criticalities and Na-void reactivities for U fueled fast-neutron cores. As for FP, resolved resonance parameters were updated for more than 100 nuclei. The cross sections of above the resonance region were evaluated by using the POD and CCONE codes. Fission product yield data were obtained from the ENDF/B-VII.0 data with some modifications. The new library, which contains neutron data for 406 nuclei, will be made available in 2010.



- Accesses




分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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